Psalm 134 - Blessed & Blessing
January 10th, 2021
27 mins 10 secs
About this Episode
Preacher: Joel Fair
Scripture: Psalm 134
Vs 1&2 - You Bless The Lord
But the exchange is quite unequal: to bless God is to acknowledge gratefully what he is; but to bless man, God must make of him what he is not, and give him what he has not
Vs 3 - The Lord Bless You
1 Peter 2:4-6 The Church as the Priesthood
Hebrews 12:22-24 Jesus the Blessing from Zion
Charles Spurgeon
The first two verses stir us up to bless Jehovah, and in the last verse Jehovah’s blessing is invoked upon the people. Oh to abound in blessing! May blessed and blessing be the two words which describe our lives.