CrossPointe Coast | Cape

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

167 episodes of CrossPointe Coast | Cape since the first episode, which aired on September 27th, 2020.

  • Mark 1:40-45 | I Will, Be Clean

    March 28th, 2021  |  32 mins 16 secs

    Part 7 of the Sermon Series: On the Road with Jesus | A Study in the Gospel of Mark

  • Mark 1:29–39 | King Jesus, Healer & Restorer

    March 21st, 2021  |  33 mins 54 secs

    Part 6 of the Sermon Series: On the Road with Jesus | A Study in the Gospel of Mark

  • The Mission Of The Church

    March 7th, 2021  |  28 mins 37 secs

    Mission flows out of our worship for the ONE who is worthy - Jesus

  • Mark 1:14-20 | Come Follow the King

    February 28th, 2021  |  31 mins 52 secs

    Part 4 of the Sermon Series: On the Road with Jesus | A Study in the Gospel of Mark

  • Mark 1:12-13; Matthew 4:1-11 | The Temptation of Jesus

    February 21st, 2021  |  41 mins 2 secs

    Part 3 of the Sermon Series: On the Road with Jesus | A Study in the Gospel of Mark

  • Mark 1:1-11 | Enter Jesus - God Pleasing Son

    February 14th, 2021  |  33 mins 40 secs

    Part 2 of the Sermon Series: On the Road with Jesus | A Study in the Gospel of Mark

  • Colossians 3:1-4 | Sanctification

    January 31st, 2021  |  37 mins 49 secs

    John Murray — Redemption Accomplished and Applied
    union with Christ is . . . the central truth of the whole doctrine of salvation. . . . It is not simply a phase of the application of redemption; it underlies every aspect of redemption”

  • Colossians 3:1-4 | Glorification

    January 24th, 2021  |  34 mins 29 secs

    John Murray — Redemption Accomplished and Applied
    union with Christ is . . . the central truth of the whole doctrine of salvation. . . . It is not simply a phase of the application of redemption; it underlies every aspect of redemption”

  • Colossians 3:1-4 | Justification

    January 17th, 2021  |  39 mins 24 secs

    John Murray — Redemption Accomplished and Applied
    union with Christ is . . . the central truth of the whole doctrine of salvation. . . . It is not simply a phase of the application of redemption; it underlies every aspect of redemption”

  • Psalm 134 - Blessed & Blessing

    January 10th, 2021  |  27 mins 10 secs

    James K. A. Smith — "Imagine a refugee spirituality, an understanding of human longing and estrangement that not only honors those experiences of not-at-homeness but also affirms the hope of finding a home …. The immigrant is migrating toward a home she’s never been to before. She will arrive in a strange land and, in ways that surprise her, come to say, “I’m at home here,” not least because someone is there to greet her and say, 'Welcome home.' The goal isn’t returning home but being welcomed home in a place you weren’t born, arriving in a strange land and being told, 'You belong here.'"

  • Psalm 133 | The Beauty of Unity

    January 3rd, 2021  |  31 mins 35 secs

    James K. A. Smith — "Imagine a refugee spirituality, an understanding of human longing and estrangement that not only honors those experiences of not-at-homeness but also affirms the hope of finding a home …. The immigrant is migrating toward a home she’s never been to before. She will arrive in a strange land and, in ways that surprise her, come to say, “I’m at home here,” not least because someone is there to greet her and say, 'Welcome home.' The goal isn’t returning home but being welcomed home in a place you weren’t born, arriving in a strange land and being told, 'You belong here.'"

  • Psalm 132 | The Lord Has Chosen Zion

    December 20th, 2020  |  34 mins 33 secs

    James K. A. Smith — "Imagine a refugee spirituality, an understanding of human longing and estrangement that not only honors those experiences of not-at-homeness but also affirms the hope of finding a home …. The immigrant is migrating toward a home she’s never been to before. She will arrive in a strange land and, in ways that surprise her, come to say, “I’m at home here,” not least because someone is there to greet her and say, 'Welcome home.' The goal isn’t returning home but being welcomed home in a place you weren’t born, arriving in a strange land and being told, 'You belong here.'"

  • Psalm 131 | A Calm & Quiet Soul

    December 13th, 2020  |  26 mins 37 secs

    James K. A. Smith — "Imagine a refugee spirituality, an understanding of human longing and estrangement that not only honors those experiences of not-at-homeness but also affirms the hope of finding a home …. The immigrant is migrating toward a home she’s never been to before. She will arrive in a strange land and, in ways that surprise her, come to say, “I’m at home here,” not least because someone is there to greet her and say, 'Welcome home.' The goal isn’t returning home but being welcomed home in a place you weren’t born, arriving in a strange land and being told, 'You belong here.'"

  • Psalm 130 | Cry Out in Hope & Wait for the Lord

    December 6th, 2020  |  26 mins 56 secs

    James K. A. Smith — "Imagine a refugee spirituality, an understanding of human longing and estrangement that not only honors those experiences of not-at-homeness but also affirms the hope of finding a home …. The immigrant is migrating toward a home she’s never been to before. She will arrive in a strange land and, in ways that surprise her, come to say, “I’m at home here,” not least because someone is there to greet her and say, 'Welcome home.' The goal isn’t returning home but being welcomed home in a place you weren’t born, arriving in a strange land and being told, 'You belong here.'"

  • Psalm 129 | Righteous Lord of Grace & Wrath

    November 29th, 2020  |  30 mins 51 secs

    James K. A. Smith — "Imagine a refugee spirituality, an understanding of human longing and estrangement that not only honors those experiences of not-at-homeness but also affirms the hope of finding a home …. The immigrant is migrating toward a home she’s never been to before. She will arrive in a strange land and, in ways that surprise her, come to say, “I’m at home here,” not least because someone is there to greet her and say, 'Welcome home.' The goal isn’t returning home but being welcomed home in a place you weren’t born, arriving in a strange land and being told, 'You belong here.'"

  • Psalm 127 & 128 | Faithful Labor & Fruitful Blessing

    November 22nd, 2020  |  31 mins 17 secs

    James K. A. Smith — "Imagine a refugee spirituality, an understanding of human longing and estrangement that not only honors those experiences of not-at-homeness but also affirms the hope of finding a home …. The immigrant is migrating toward a home she’s never been to before. She will arrive in a strange land and, in ways that surprise her, come to say, “I’m at home here,” not least because someone is there to greet her and say, 'Welcome home.' The goal isn’t returning home but being welcomed home in a place you weren’t born, arriving in a strange land and being told, 'You belong here.'"